• Address Kumarpur, Asansol, 713304
  • Email info@asansoljeevandaan.com
  • Phone +91 7076536206

Our Community Contribution

"Happiness In Journey Of Recovery"

Asansol Jeevandaan Foundation is considered to be a dedicated and effective treatment center in executing clinical as well as therapy based treatment facilitation in the field of drug addiction and alcoholism as well as treating mild psychological problems arising due to substance abusing located at an ideal location in Asansol, West Bengal it has been delivering its services for the past 02 consecutive years successfully because of the wealth of experience we have in this field, our dedicated and efficient staff members, doctors and our moral and conscience attachment to those suffering and trapped in the grip of drugs and alcohol.



As it has been observed that the fatality of drug addiction and alcoholism grips those sector of the society.

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Patients are kept under clinical and medicinal support at the first stage of the procedure.

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Through various community based living therapy, developing a different and new lifestyle structure in the patient.

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Follow Up

Upon successful completion of the first two stages of the treatment procedure the patient is equipped with important guidelines related to recovery.

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Self Help Group

A family self help group meeting where the families of the patient those under going treatment are equipped with methods and suggestions.

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A service provided for all patients who have undergone the treatment procedure in which they can come and spend their weekends at our base facility.

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Drug Addiction / Alcoholism, What is it

Drug Addiction and Alcoholism is not just a mere habit or a choice of an individual it is a process in which any human being develop a Bio-Psycho-Socio dependency on any mind or mood altering chemical or substance. It starts with just one simple yes to a decision to take that first drug/alcohol use and with time from an event it changes onto a nightmare and takes entire control over an individual decision making, and the ability to choose and differentiate between the good and bad paths of life as a whole and even unites the entire family of the affected one’s into its fatal grip.

Asansol Jeevandaan Foundation, Thumb Asansol Jeevandaan Foundation, Thumb

Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

Drug Addiction and Alcoholism is not just a mere habit or a choice of an individual it is a process in which any human being develop a Bio-Psycho-Socio dependency on any mind or mood altering chemical or substance.


How It Starts

It starts with just one simple yes to a decision to take that first drug/alcohol use and with time from an event it changes onto a nightmare and takes entire control over an individual decision making, and the ability to choose and differentiate between the good and bad paths of life as a whole and even unites the entire family of the affected one’s into its fatal grip.


Recovery is Beautiful

This problem sees no caste, creed, religion or sex before it strikes you along with your family. In our 10 years of experience and active service in this field the most vital obstacle we have come across in our struggle towards healing our society of this menace is “Negligence and Disbelief “.

  • Office Location

    Kumarpur, Beside T.M.C Ground
    Near Manoj Cinema Hall,
    Asansol, 713304
  • Office Hours

    Mon - Fri 9:00 - 21:00
    Saturday 10:00 - 16:00
  • Phone

    +91 7076536206
    +91 7076533431
  • Email


Let's talk about you

All our services are provided irrespective of any kind of caste, creed or religion. We firmly believe in the principle of equality and thus give every individual the required amount of care, love and affection.