• Address Kumarpur, Asansol, 713304
  • Email info@asansoljeevandaan.com
  • Phone +91 7076536206

Drug Addiction / Alcoholism What is it?

Drug Addiction and Alcoholism! No we have nothing to do with it We are busy” This is the most common reply faced among masses in regards to this subject. Today we live in a country with an average population of 1.37 billion out of which Just about one in 180 individuals with Alcohol dependence and one in 20 persons with illicit Drug dependence report getting in-patient treatment. Nationally, it is estimated that there are about 8.5 Lakh People Who Inject Drugs still we choose to put this drug and alcohol epidemic on the shelves of negligence and rejection. If we all believe that the youth of today embarks the future of tomorrow then today we all as a society as one family are standing at a juncture we need to prioritize and take that one small step to contribute towards the solution and eradication of this serious problem.

Asansol Jeevandaan Foundation Recovery Is Beautiful

Drug Addiction and Alcoholism is not just a mere habit or a choice of an individual it is a process in which any human being develop a Bio-Psycho-Socio dependency on any mind or mood altering chemical or substance. It starts with just one simple yes to a decision to take that first drug/alcohol use and with time from an event it changes onto a nightmare and takes entire control over an individual decision making, and the ability to choose and differentiate between the good and bad paths of life as a whole and even unites the entire family of the affected one’s into its fatal grip. Today we have million individuals along with their families suffering from this nightmare but we need not be heartbroken or feel helpless about this as because there is a solution to this. Drug Addiction and Alcoholism is a treatable disease, treatment and counseling session when put together will and are bringing fruitful results. All we need the first and foremost is to acknowledge and accept the fatality of this problem and take the necessary steps ahead to eliminate it. Come and join the walk. As because we all have the right to give that one Smile.

Asansol Jeevandaan Foundation Drug Abuse
Asansol Jeevandaan Foundation Alcoholism

"From Management Desk"

It’s an honor and a eye opening opportunity for us to come in front of you all and share our simple thought on a subject which stands as the most firm and fatal enemy of our society ” The Drug Epidemic ”

Expressing our views we would like to state that before we together as a team work towards the solution of this deadly disease the first thing we should adapt is the Acknowledgement towards the seriousness of this problem which will act as the Breaking of the Ice for all and help us to have a more clearer vision and understanding towards the subject.

This problem sees no caste, creed, religion or sex before it strikes you along with your family. In our 10 years of experience and active service in this field the most vital obstacle we have come across in our struggle towards healing our society of this menace is “Negligence and Disbelief “. Our society and every concerned wing directly or indirectly working in this field is not completely aware of facts and figures of substance abusing and its characteristics. We are blessed to take this platform of Asansol Jeevan Daan Platform and pass on the message that Addiction/Alcoholism is a disease not a bad habit and it needs acceptance and proper healing procedures instead of rejection and discrimination. Treatment procedure and personal interactive counseling sessions with the affected ones is mandatory to bring about complete and fruitful results. Asansol Jeevan Daan Foundation was once a small dream in our hearts and today by blessings of all is a reality and we tend to serve our purpose with all our dedication and love.

Asansol Jeevandaan Foundation Management

Mr. Manmohan Singh
+91 9832206908

Mr. Aurovindo Banerjee
Project Manager
+91 8918576453

"We had a Dream, So We Made The Effort to Take this Small Step To Reach it!"